Thursday, January 31, 2008

Dashby's Dirt & Deanna's Disappearance

After another thrilling evening of post-dinner step sitting, a discussion arose amongst residents in regards to the various levels of "action" that occurs within the house.   

While discussing the Dash-tastic RA himself, Deanna went to check that he wasn't listening only to discover that AGAINST ALL ODDS his door was wide open.  

Horrified, laughter erupted as Deanna escaped to the safety of 176, only to bump right into Dashby minutes later.

The discussion may have included references to "that girl he was all over," as well as "six kinds of STD's" and the habits of a certain perpetually missing male.  

After Deanna disappeared to her room, Dashby confirmed that he did indeed hear the rauncy gossip session.  

No word as to how Deanna or other Residents are coping with the humiliation, but more so the lack of oxygen from so much laughing.  

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

WOTS is...Watt's here!

Classics House would like to welcome the newest member of the 178 side, Angelo's new blonde roommate, "WOTS." Escaping from a harrowing situation involving Shelton, a dirty roommate, vomit, and 3 days without clean-up, WOTS was met at the door by a delegation (which had been lurking by the door for quite a while) from the 176 side. The welcoming committee pointed and laughed as various males attempted to lift a blue cart up the stairs of the vestibule. Deanna was suspiciously absent.
WOTS, if you're reading this, dinner is at 6.

Deanna Dresses Down

Much to the shock of Classics House Residents, Deanna was seen sporting what was obviously the bullet-proof vest of a midget today in the lobby.  
After attempting an elaborate spy routine and hiding behind our fantastic fake bush, it was determined that maybe the secret service wasn't for her.  Also, the vest may have been cutting off her circulation.  

Edit: Further investigation proved that the vest belonged to Jackie.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hooplites Victory!

Today was the Hooplites premiere game against the Brown Filipino Warriors. With a 14 member team, the co-captains, Mike Toohey and Peter George, led our proud players to victory! Final score was 51 to something insignificant (aka 30 something points).

The Hooplites had returning favorites, but the 2 new favorite are Brian "Booyeah!" Idon'tknowhislastname and John Taylor of the Trebs. Way to be awesome boys! On our shit list: other Mike and sombrero boy.

Special thanks to the super cool fans who showed up to cheer the boys on! Totaling 9, it was the best fan turnout the Hooplites have ever seen!

Next game: Tuesday, February 12 at 5:45 pm against the Really Slow Fat Kids. Come or die.

Darren Ashby Disappoints

Darren Ashby, RA of the wonderful Classics House, becomes the first RA in senior history to not attend a Hooplites game. Even Jamie came to one!! This after promising to attend, then saying he'd try to make it if his GSU meeting at 6 didn't go too long. There better be some proof of a 2 hour meeting.

In connected news, Jackie was unable to deal with Dashby's absence and lies and has yet to recover from her hysterical crying. Our thoughts are with you Jackie. Comfort yourself with this: this is to be expected from boys, even dashbies.

Completely Unexpected

In a move considered by many to be completely unexpected and unprecedented, Tuesday followed Monday this week. If sufficient interest exists, a support group will be formed for students who wish to discuss this surprising turn of events.
In other news, the mighty Classics House Hooplites will be playing against some Asian team tonight! Hooplites and The Official Cheerleading Squad will be departing from the house this evening at 6 PM. Join us or know that the blood of many small baby animals is on your hands.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Deanna keeps her door open!

Today, Deanna kept her door open whenever she was home. This gesture, which encourages visitors, probably accounts to the great amount of traffic in and out of her room.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Samantha Sings Her Way to the Top

The Classics House's very own Samantha Stein scores her first Aural Fixation solo for "Right Back Where We Started From". If you are not familiar with the song, the writers strongly suggest you do not look it up on iTunes since the options there are not correct. Instead, please view an example of the song here. The song will premiere at one of her shows throughout the semester, but definitely at AFix's spring show on April 12. Check out for further updates (if Samantha ever gets around to updating it . . .).

Pocahontas Returns to Boston

This just in: Mindy Burkitt, everyone's favorite Native American gymnast, will resume her rightful place in the Classics House within the next few months. Definite plans have not yet been made, but Mindy will tumble her way East early to mid-April, bringing with her all the mischief and mayhem you've been missing.

Stay tuned for updates.

Dangerous Detergent Dispute

Early this afternoon an altercation was reported at 176 Bay State Rd. Reportedly, the quarrel occurred between two residents over laundry-washing precedence. Thankfully no injuries resulted, and the residents were able to settle the disagreement amicably.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Deanna Divulges

The rumor mill is up and running! Deanna is back, and in peak form. In the last week we’ve learned about the primal habits of the 3rd floor (cannibalism and copulation), vestibule tonsil hockey, Darren Ashby’s shower, the cancelled Coldstone fieldtrip, the aforementioned Harry Pecker incident, the desperation of aural fixation, and of course her specialty—treb stalking (

Kevin studies for class

Classics House update: Last night, Kevin studied for class. Good job, Kevin!

Darren Ashby Resignation Rumor

Resignation rumors fly as Darren Ashby, yet again, is plagued by fear of his residents. From the moment he moved in, he has been hounded by requests from nametags to door cozies to icebreakers. Ashby’s door has often been vandalized and threatening notes are routinely shoved under his door. Buck up, Dashby. We all love you…though maybe a little too much.

Eleni becomes a Superhero

Due to the unusually high volume of static energy in room 213, Eleni has become a superhero. In the past 4 days, she has frozen her computer, turned off her TV, broken her cell phone, and short circuited both her DVD player and remote with the slightest touch of her finger. Though problematic, we are not concerned. This is what is known as the “transition phase”. We can expect great things from our powerful resident.

Harry Pecker and the Chamber of Dinas

Last weekend, a well endowed Daniel Radcliff replica appeared in Jackie Dinas’ room, complete with scar and glasses. Though initially frightened, Jackie has adjusted well to her new bedfellow. Well done, Dinas. Please keep it down.