Monday, February 25, 2008

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

New statistical information has surfaced.  It states, 

Darren Ashby: More Popular than Sex

4 out 5 fresidents agree.

Please note the use of the dramatic colon. 

Jackie, Tell Me About the Boy Who DIDN'T Go to NYC

Members of the Archaeology Club woke up bright and early to head to NYC to view the Met and the city itself. All had wonderful time, however, the day would only have been more wonderful had Darren Ashby come along as promised late the night before. Sadly, the girls from the Classics House had to remember him in this way:

Oh Darren Ashby, how we missed you!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Damsel in Distress

Many thanks to Thomas for saving a very distressed and locked out resident very late in the evening yesterday.  

Thankfully, ENG homework/procrastinating keeps you up into the wee hours of the morn' to let a freezing lady back in the house.  

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

We Found Waldo!!

Hi, Jon Waldo. We found you!

Jackie Breaks the Law

No, Jackie, stop! Rape is strongly frowned upon in this house! Even if it is Scott Foley.

Samantha Is Broken

Our very own Samantha Stein has broken her sex muscle. Reports on how are unclear at this time. She claims she has not had sex--but what about immaculate sex, Samantha? I'm sure God likes it rough.

Excuse me while I proceed to Hell.

Dashtina in the Dark

Platonic? Really?

Monday, February 18, 2008

Youthful Yearning

Today, a few 176-ers decided to forgo work in favor of the beautiful weather and relive their joyful days of youth.  After a quick jaunt to the esplanade, the residents found themselves at the playground. Some highlights of the day included:

1) A playground photo-shoot
2) A Charles River Walk-Off
3) Many different kinds of swinging
4)Youthful scampering
5) A lot of laughter
6) An almost deadly game of frisbee
7) Wet Pants, and Frizzy Hair
8) A good time had by all.

As one resident said, "Pollution, you can warm my globe anyday!" 
(photos to follow)

Deanna Says

The house has voted you OFF the island!

Candidates 2008

The 176 side supports Dashtina 2008! Go all the way Darren Ashby!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Congratulations Dashby! pt. 2

The Classics House's very own Darren Ashby has been accepted into Penn! Congrats Dashby! Way to go!!

Oh Dashby, you make it look so easy! We don't know how
you do it either.

Je ne regrette rien

Samantha Stein does not regret patting Darren Ashby on the head.

"Pat the Dashby" music video coming soon!

Danger, Mike Toohey, Danger!

Spies overhead 2 residents talking of killing Mike Toohey. Why? He has big feet.

Stay tuned for updates.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Muchas Gracias

Many, many thanks to everyone who came to the party last night and to everyone who helped with the planning. You guys did an amazing job of keeping it secret (I had no idea)! You're the best!


PS--Great pictures and videos later!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

1st Floor Germ Dissemination

The First floor of 176 is germy. Please exercise caution when entering and exiting the building, and keep breathing to a minimum. Should you run into a problem, take a cue from Mr. Toohey and run around, run around, run around, run around.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

X-treme R-K-ology

Two Classics House residents and one ex-resident departed at the asscrack of dawn this morning for Milton, MA. Upon reaching the Wakefield Estate and meeting up with some graduate students, they participated in a dig... a squall.

Hilarity ensues

Two choice quotes from dinner last night:

"Don't shred my penis!!!!!"

"Deanna, get out of my vagina!"

Balloons Descending

Two second floor residents threw balloons into the lobby. They should come and clean them up.

Samantha Changes Her Hair

Samantha Stein has dyed her hair. So, should you see a brighter-haired version of Samantha Stein, do not be alarmed… she has just changed her hair.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Lesbians in heat

Tempers flared as a silent rumble went down at 140 Bay State Road, also known as Towers. It is said that in the basement dining hall there was a feud between a few of Dashby's fresidents...

In related news, there is a newly discovered infected organ in the Classics House.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Samantha and Deanna: More than Just Friends?

Exhibit A: (note eye line)

Exhibit B: Overheard at the Classics House:

Samantha: I just want to see your boobs.
Deanna: Why?
Samantha: So I can think about them.

You decide.

Deanna's Deal

For the past 2 years, residents of the Classics House have tried to get Deanna Baker to the (over priced, underwhelming, not worth it) Back Bay Ball. Last year, she was saved by Andrea Luneau visiting BU. With many of her good "friends" demanding Dashby to take her to Back Bay Ball (A Red Carpet Event), how will she escape this year?? Well, thanks to some quick thinking, Deanna has made a deal with Meg. If Meg asks a certain Lost Boy out to the BBB (not to be confused with the KKK), Deanna will go with Darren Ashby. (Eleni: If he'll go with you)

Ahhh, the Classics House is filled with such supportive friends. Stay tuned for BBB updates.

Congratulations Darren Ashby!

Well deserved congratulations go out to Darren Ashby who was accepted into UC Berkeley's grad program! We all need to get together and celebrate!

In related news, Deanna now knows where she is going to grad school and Jackie is sure to follow . . .

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Deanna Returns!

Deanna has returned from her trip. All is right again.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Blood, Sweat and Tears

"The only thing lamer than not having a pretending to have one."