Thursday, May 29, 2008

Darren Ashby: More Smarter than He Appears?

Yes, CCC readers, you are indeed sensing a theme here on this blog! Darren Ashby reigns supreme as our main topic of discussion. This time, Professor Bard was astounded by his many accomplishments and approached him telling him as much. She never knew quite how smart he was!

But, ahhh, Professor Bard. Darren's achievements may allude to him being smart, but he is the one who came up with the title of this post. Maybe not so smart after all . . .

Darren Ashby: More Popular than Paleoethnobotany?

It appears the Ashby males have quite the sex appeal--even from afar! Professor Borojevic was overheard asking Dashby Sr. and Mashby if they had any other single male children. What brought this up? Borojevic kept hearing Darren Ashby's name brought up in many of her classes. Especially in paleoethnobotany.

Although the ultimate mystery may not be soon revealed, we can rest assured that Darren Ashby IS more popular than ancient plants!

Men Happened, Brunella

This is what happens when men interfere in the lives of CCC founders. Unfortunately, Deanna was not there to prevent this and Darren was not there to take the heat for it. Men be warned! Think twice before making our lives miserable!

Will the Tradition Continue?

Throughout its years, the Classics House has seen its fair share of traditions. But one new tradition hangs in the balance: what resident will date the next RA?

The tradition cannot be broken!

CCC Graduates

After 4 wonderful years at BU, some of the select CCC readers have graduated! Some were privileged enough to live in the House all 4 years other came late to the party. Regardless of time of arrival, all had a wonderful time within the house and will miss each other and everyone dearly! Thanks for a great time house! Keep the tradition alive!

Bashby Single?

No, but we were hoping.

Bashby Disses the CCC

In a move that has left the CCC writers wondering "what was he thinking?", young Brendan Ashby has chosen to attend Rensselaer over BU. Yes, they have the better program. And yes, they are giving him a computer. But, Bashby, you just denied an entire house of girls already dedicated to you.

What were you thinking??

Thursday, May 8, 2008

CCC Vandalism

The CCC took an excursion yesterday to paint the Greek Rock. Although some members who belonged to an actual sorority felt this was not the true purpose of the rock, the CCC begs to remind others that there would be no sorority/fraternity letters without the Classics(/Greek)! After much worry that the paint would not hold out, the rock was finally complete! And even better, Dean Elmore stopped by to help us show off the Classics House strength.


Meg Has Left Us!

Meg has left the dear Classics House for some fun adventures in Turkey. While we are all excited for her, we already miss her. Now who will we sing happy birthday to every day at the dining hall??

Even though she has left the CCC, she has not forgotten her reporting duty. So now we take you to Istanbul (was Constantinople) for an international update from our own Meg: "All the beautiful men are in Istanbul".

This has been the CCC with your 10:30 news. Good night and get on that Meg!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A CCC Survey

Yes, dear reader, we heard you! You (or one reader who was very bored at work) demanded a survey and who are we to refuse? The CCC went undercover to discover the answers to your deepest questions! Can you handle the truth?

1.) On a scale of 1-10, how much do you think about sex per day?



3: 16.7%


5: 16.7%



8: 16.7%


10: 50.0%

2.) Are you thinking about sex right now?

Yes: 83.3%

No: 16.7%

3.) On a scale of 1-10, how much would you say you think about Darren Ashby?


2: 16.7%

3: 16.7%




7: 16.7%



10: 50.0%

4.) Do you hope Darren Ashby is thinking about you right now?

Yes: 50.0%

No: 50.0%

5.) If you had to guess on a scale of 1-10, how crazy do you think Darren Ashby

thinks you are?

1-2: 33.3%

3-4: 0.0%

5-6: 16.7%

7-8: 33.3%

9-10: 16.7%

6.) How often do you think about boobs during the day (or at night)?

Less than 1: 16.7%

1: 16.7%

2: 16.7%

3: 16.7%

4: 0.0%

5: 16.7%

more than 5: 16.7%

7.) How often do you think Tom thinks about boobs?

Less than 1:






more than 5: 83.3%

he dreams of penises instead: 66.7%

8.) How much are you enjoying this survey right now?

I’m not. (choose this and I will kill you): 33.3%

Totes: 16.7%

Whateves (only [redacted] can choose this): 16.7%

It’s the best survey I’ve ever taken: 0.0%

Wow. My mind is blown by the in-depth questions!!: 33.3%

9.) What’s the most creative way you can think of to smoke “the wacky weed”

without actually inhaling from the bowl?

1. No Comment

2. Lighting it on fire with Deanna’s hair

3. via my butt

4. i hate you deanna. and it’s a penis not a bowl.

5. Well, it involves breathing. And a hand.

6. by burning your hair into it

10.) If you could be anyone in the Classics House who would it be?

Alex Vera: 16.7%

Mike Toohey: 33.3%

God: 16.7%

Jackie’s popping and locking skillz: 33.3%

Samantha’s left boob: 0.0%