Monday, May 23, 2011


Little J getting cozy with her new beau at the Archaeological Institute of America's Gala.

The CCC has eyes and ears everywhere, Little J. Be careful where you go digging . . .

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Those Cambridge Classics, done Hip-Hop style?

Hello again, CCC!

Are y'all enjoying the brink of summer or the real world on the horizon? I sure am, thanks to my connections at the IU Classics department! They recently released "Green and Yellows", a catchy parody of Wiz Khalifa's "Black and Yellow". You know this would've been a contender for becoming a staple at the infamous dance parties, and the occasional YouTube video project.

Ch-ch-check it out here!



Monday, March 28, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Secret's Out.

At last, the campus has learned about the "mischief permeating the brownstone of 176-178 Bay State Road." BU Today has done a profile on the CCC headquarters, with special attention to the newest CCC member, Daphne.

It is now a priority for CCC members to obtain a picture of Daphne for the non-Boston chapters to see.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Spotted: S doing her signature Worm move in a dance-off at a recent Mardi Gras celebration. Two days later, her muscles are still sore. May that be a warning to you - the equation of beverages and complex dance moves do not always yield the best results, despite the insane amount of fun collected.

With mucho gusto love,


Sunday, February 27, 2011


Spotted: K yelling into his phone outside of his apartment in Philly. He was speaking in a romance language, but did the topic of the conversation involve romance as well? What are you hiding from us, K? Speaking of romance, little J and New Boy were spotted eating at sushi in Brooklyn. I thought little J's sushi days were over once she and A were over. But alas, no. D was spotted hanging out at CCC headquarters - Who was she visiting? Rumor has it, a new beau...isn't he a little young for you, D? S was spotted watching MG with some of her new film friends - don't dump them for us, S. The CCC misses you and your new friends will not replace us if we can help it! Our favorite couple, E & B, were seen out for brunch in center city Philadelphia. They were holding hands from across the table. Seems like things are getting serious…May I propose less sci-fi films and more...well... proposals? M & B, our token Lonely Girls on the west coast are also so far away from one another that they cannot even commiserate together. Rumor has it that M might have a man in mind to make her a little less lonely at night; meanwhile, B needs to chose the man who's been pining for her love before it's too late...

You know you love me,


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sporcle for the CCC

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

True Blood: Ancient Roman Gladiator Version

Are you one of the rabid fans of HBO's True Blood and all its campy glory it has to offer? Look no more, the CCC has discovered an equally campy show in Starz's Spartacus: Blood and Sand series. In fact, there is even more nakedness for all to enjoy! It's like the gods saw how much some CCC-ers love True Blood that they had this wonderfully entertaining show about gladiators created to satisfy our love for all things ancient.

P.S. Lucy Lawless from Xena is in it!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

News from the Wild West

Spotted: Little J is not the only one taking bites out of apples

Friday, February 4, 2011

Quote of the day

Spotted: a prime "that's what she said!" opportunity missed, until it was caught by the commenter, Double-D, several days later.

Here's this gem of a Facebook comment:

"It always ends up in my butt, but towards the end it was okay." --D

Will the Terriers get CLASSICS support this year?

Now that the CCC is spread across the nation...will we all support the Terriers in the Boston Beanpot from our respective cities?

There are events all over the U.S to watch the Beanpot with other BU Alumni...while it may not be the 176 Basement...will you go to show your pride?

Let's help out another Lonely Girl here!


At her return to campus, S found a rather large bottle of Fat Tire Black Ale in her school mailbox, wrapped with a typed note from an anonymous admirer.

"To the most beautiful beer snob I know. See you in the spring."

S has wracked her head over this surprising message, but not to the identity of the admirer. Instead, our cynical girl turns to the CCC to decide whether this should be taken as flattery or slightly stalkery. We, the CCC, shall poll over these two choices and perhaps sooth S's worrisome mind. Plus, S reports that she ended up giving the bottle to a more appreciative roommate due to her distaste for black ale.

Is it a sweet gesture, or not?


Thursday, February 3, 2011

New Milestone: 178 Posts!

Somehow, the CCC has undergone a full revival over the past 2 weeks. This is the 178th post, which is a huge milestone considering the address of the Classics House! Happy gossiping ;-)


Spotted: New Lonely Girl Seen Lurking on the CCC

It seems our newest Lonely Girl, B, is sad and lonely in Tucson. Why all the looking but none of the posting, B? When will you return to the East Coast, where you belong? We promise you wouldn't be so lonely anymore if you comment or send in some tips of your own. Maybe you could take a page out of Little J's book and date one (or two) guys (or apples) at once. ;-)

You know you love me,


Spotted: M pining for her irresponsible past

Compared to some other CCC members, M is leading rather a dull life in the Queen's City as she loses her youth in her department's library. But we hear that in between panic attacks about her thesis, she still occasionally makes a bad decision worthy of her CCC past. What will this weekend bring? We can't be sure, but we'd like to offer this suggestion: maybe tequila isn't such a wise choice, M.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Little J Still Enjoying Her Apples in the Big Apple

SPOTTED: It appears Little J is still taking bites out of BOTH of her aforementioned apples. Two separate dates in one night, J? Will you soon choose one of the two handsome and eligible bachelors vying for your love, or continue keep your options open? ...Only time will tell.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snowpocalypse 2011

Are you in one of the many states affected by this "historic" storm, as the media has made it out to be? Share your stories here, whether they be an epic win or fail.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


S and M have recently come to an agreement that in the case of a CCC member winning a colossal lottery jackpot, the said winnings shall contribute to the purchase of 174 BSR. The house will be used as a vacation home for the CCC so we may resume our dance parties and lobby-sitting sessions. What say you?

There will also be a shrine to honor both the tetanus bicycle and the television that was always on whenever a CCC member passed by the house.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The CCC Does Not Condone Bestiality

What? A Hot Classicist in the middle of Indiana? You don't say...


S is in the other Btown, diligently representing the CCC Midwest - Indiana Chapter as she makes her way through the trials and tribulations of the library science field. It turns out that future librarians and archivists study and party just as hard as classicists. Despite the lack of an actual degree in Classics, S has managed to integrate herself in the graduate crowd of the local Classics department. She happily reports that these new Classics friends are just as crazy as she imagined other classicists outside of the CCC could be. In fact, they uphold their craziness and nerd level by their enthusiasm for gossiping about a certain PILF, and their ability to speak Elvish.

Plus, here is a link to the PILF S now wishes was in her program instead of across the campus.

Salve, omnes!

The CCC's third anniversary has come and gone! Let us all partake in some delicious birthday cake.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Midwestern Expedition

Hearing the call of the wild--or just a lonely Meg--Jackie and Deanna headed west to Cincinnati. While Deanna was excited to return to her native land, Jackie was excited to learn about Ohio. She was surprised to discover that Cincinnati is abbreviated Cincy, was formerly called "Porkopolis", was a major city at some point in American history, and that there is such a thing as the Ohio River!

The Ohio River: Only slightly important

While a not-so-lonely Jackie deepened her love of William Taft, Meg's heart began to flutter when she laid eyes on a waiter at a German Beer Garden the trio visited. Will Meg return to have a taste of his weinerschnitzel? The CCC will have to return to the Midwest to find out!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Lonely Boy Alone in the City of Brotherly Love? Lonely Girl No Longer So Lonely?

We hear that Lonely Girl isn't so lonely anymore in the city that never sleeps. While she seems to miss being out on the town with the CCC elite, she has found more than one way to occupy her time. But J, how will you choose which Big Apple to take a bite out of?

While there may be steam coming off those frozen streets in New York, we hear the City of Brotherly Love is not so loving.

K is rumored to be giving up on love all together. Say it isn't so K? Surely there is more than one Brother (or Sister?) who is willing to lend you some love? Especially since K is on his way to being the hottest new doctor around...

You know you love us,

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Little- Lawyer Eleni Needs Latin Lessons!

Its been a long time since a posting, but we have excellent news to report: CCC alum and blog co-founder is alive and well and in her second semester of law school. Only hitch, there seems to be a lot of latin cropping up in her readings and our beloved housemate was a religion major... not an actual classical linguist (Its all good. We clearly don't discriminate!) Terms like "sui generis" and "in personam jurisdiction" get thrown around its caused some confusion.

So any housemates out there want to send her some Latin love? It would be much appreciated.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Why, Oh Why?


K trying hard to figure out WHY the CCC just isn't what it used to be?! Gone are the days of hilarious daily (or even weekly?) posts about all our favorite Classics House people. I wish we knew more about E's trials and tribulations in law school. How is lonely girl (J) doing in NYC? B is practically displaced from EARTH all the way in Arizona - when will she return? How is D liking Boston now that half of her college friends are gone? A....where you @, girl? How about S, our favorite girl-loving-gal...Is she still with N? There are so many more people and relationships to address, but I'll stop there. Someone better post soon, or K might jump off a bridge...


Gossip Boy