Monday, March 28, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Secret's Out.

At last, the campus has learned about the "mischief permeating the brownstone of 176-178 Bay State Road." BU Today has done a profile on the CCC headquarters, with special attention to the newest CCC member, Daphne.

It is now a priority for CCC members to obtain a picture of Daphne for the non-Boston chapters to see.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Spotted: S doing her signature Worm move in a dance-off at a recent Mardi Gras celebration. Two days later, her muscles are still sore. May that be a warning to you - the equation of beverages and complex dance moves do not always yield the best results, despite the insane amount of fun collected.

With mucho gusto love,
