Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Darren Ashby Disappoints

Darren Ashby, RA of the wonderful Classics House, becomes the first RA in senior history to not attend a Hooplites game. Even Jamie came to one!! This after promising to attend, then saying he'd try to make it if his GSU meeting at 6 didn't go too long. There better be some proof of a 2 hour meeting.

In connected news, Jackie was unable to deal with Dashby's absence and lies and has yet to recover from her hysterical crying. Our thoughts are with you Jackie. Comfort yourself with this: this is to be expected from boys, even dashbies.


Classics House Chronicles said...

I have officially dehydrated as a result of so much crying. Dashby disappoints and proves physically detrimental to his fresidents.

Classics House Chronicles said...

also, it sounds like a dashbie is a loving creature you would find in the hundred acre woods, like a piglet...or even a heffalump, or woozle.

eleni said...

Jackie--I'll come by with ice cream and a chick flick if you need it!

Darren Ashby said...

Dear fresidents,
Please forgive my glaring failures. Also, please give Jackie some Gatorade for rehydration.