Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hooplites Victory!

Today was the Hooplites premiere game against the Brown Filipino Warriors. With a 14 member team, the co-captains, Mike Toohey and Peter George, led our proud players to victory! Final score was 51 to something insignificant (aka 30 something points).

The Hooplites had returning favorites, but the 2 new favorite are Brian "Booyeah!" Idon'tknowhislastname and John Taylor of the Trebs. Way to be awesome boys! On our shit list: other Mike and sombrero boy.

Special thanks to the super cool fans who showed up to cheer the boys on! Totaling 9, it was the best fan turnout the Hooplites have ever seen!

Next game: Tuesday, February 12 at 5:45 pm against the Really Slow Fat Kids. Come or die.


Unknown said...

"On our shit list: other Mike and sombrero boy."

that best not be me.

-mike (Ecuador)

Unknown said...

I wish I had known about this game before 7:30 pm tonight.

I'm glad the hooplites won though! woohoooo!

Mike! How are you!!?? How's Ecuador?


Nicole said...

yay! Exciting! I unfortunately couldn't come as planned this time around...buuuuut...I can't wait for the next one! Go Hooplites! :)

Unknown said...

Of course that's not you Wasserman! You'd be playing if you weren't in South America.

jackie said...

I'm so glad we all read/post on the chronicle. Esp. Mike Wasserman!! It's just bringing people together, internationally.