Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A CCC Survey

Yes, dear reader, we heard you! You (or one reader who was very bored at work) demanded a survey and who are we to refuse? The CCC went undercover to discover the answers to your deepest questions! Can you handle the truth?

1.) On a scale of 1-10, how much do you think about sex per day?



3: 16.7%


5: 16.7%



8: 16.7%


10: 50.0%

2.) Are you thinking about sex right now?

Yes: 83.3%

No: 16.7%

3.) On a scale of 1-10, how much would you say you think about Darren Ashby?


2: 16.7%

3: 16.7%




7: 16.7%



10: 50.0%

4.) Do you hope Darren Ashby is thinking about you right now?

Yes: 50.0%

No: 50.0%

5.) If you had to guess on a scale of 1-10, how crazy do you think Darren Ashby

thinks you are?

1-2: 33.3%

3-4: 0.0%

5-6: 16.7%

7-8: 33.3%

9-10: 16.7%

6.) How often do you think about boobs during the day (or at night)?

Less than 1: 16.7%

1: 16.7%

2: 16.7%

3: 16.7%

4: 0.0%

5: 16.7%

more than 5: 16.7%

7.) How often do you think Tom thinks about boobs?

Less than 1:






more than 5: 83.3%

he dreams of penises instead: 66.7%

8.) How much are you enjoying this survey right now?

I’m not. (choose this and I will kill you): 33.3%

Totes: 16.7%

Whateves (only [redacted] can choose this): 16.7%

It’s the best survey I’ve ever taken: 0.0%

Wow. My mind is blown by the in-depth questions!!: 33.3%

9.) What’s the most creative way you can think of to smoke “the wacky weed”

without actually inhaling from the bowl?

1. No Comment

2. Lighting it on fire with Deanna’s hair

3. via my butt

4. i hate you deanna. and it’s a penis not a bowl.

5. Well, it involves breathing. And a hand.

6. by burning your hair into it

10.) If you could be anyone in the Classics House who would it be?

Alex Vera: 16.7%

Mike Toohey: 33.3%

God: 16.7%

Jackie’s popping and locking skillz: 33.3%

Samantha’s left boob: 0.0%

1 comment:

Boston University OCF said...
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