Thursday, December 17, 2009

Finals Week Is Upon Us

First: BW's single! And R is leaving just as the news breaks. What will her hoplite in dusty armor do for the next 9 months?
-Why does R keep saying "I could have a baby in the time I'll be gone!"? Is this some sort of message?
But alas, our young BW may just be living in the CCC next year, and what a year it will be, especially for R, since K will be out of the way.

Finals Week is a trying time for all, much like Frozen Dark at 3:30 Boston is a trying place for all, so please be considerate to those housemates who have entered the "oh shit!" phase of their academic career and are in a fragile state indeed.

Let us all take time to pray to our various idols, Gods, and gods at this most religious time of year to ask that the 4(!) open beds in the CCC don't get filled with weirdos next semester. Amen. Happy Decade!

Monday, December 7, 2009

We Like to Think About Elves in Bed

Ahhh, it's that time again: Elf Yourself time! And one former resident is more than obsessed with Elf-ing everyone she knows. The poor fools at Office Max made the decision not to bring back the voice feature (for the second year in a row), but that didn't stop us from cracking up at this dance. Have some holiday cheer while watching some of your biffles dance around:

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Monday, November 23, 2009

An Invitation

Tonight at 10:30 in the basement, there will be cake! All are welcome, and a birthday is being celebrated, so there is a probability of song. Come for the food, stay to see if a certain Wicked Witch of the West comes back from the grave to ruin a resident's birthday for a second time. What else are you going to do tonight if there's no Gossip Girl on?

*Like most CCC events, it is B.Y.O.Utensils. And coffee and tea. And probably plates.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

2 CCC ladies, 1 Younger Man

There's nothing wrong with a little friendly competition, but R is certainly pulling ahead (and she's not even trying!) in the race for one boy's heart. Attempts have been made in buildings throughout Campus, from the Kenmore Classroom Building to the GSU, and even in Towers Dining Hall. And yet, this squire in shining armor has been less than receptive to K's advances, and although frequent, the only thing R's gotten is some flirting.
Is it because he's intimidated by these cougars?
Is it because he has a girlfriend?
-nota bene- his relationship status on facebook has gone from 'in relationship with (presumed hag)' to not appearing on the profile

Will anyone from the CCC get to go to the BU Academy prom? Maybe J or G as a wingman?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Furry Friday

Today only! Sometime after 2:30 PM, the CCC will be visited by an alumnus' little girls and all they want is a little love. A trip to the esplanade for a little rough-housing is expected.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Pre-game the House Meeting!

House Dinner will depart from the 176 lobby tonight at 6:15 PM (EST). Tell us about your summer, reserve judgments for at least a week! Remember what a burrito from Towers tastes like. Check your mail! Try and forget what a burrito from Towers tastes like.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

CCC Sainthood

Darren Ashby: Beloved by all CCC residents. Probably beloved by his parents. Saint?

There were many trials and tribulations (read: pranks) over the year that Dashby was the faithful RA of the Classics House. And considering all that he had to go through, does Darren deserve CCC sainthood?

Let's think back (fondly) to that year. Darren had to:
-put up with a request for name tags after a long day of checking in BU students
-accept an apology from a girl with a pigeon in her hair
-deal with bananas/signs/sausage men on his door
-deal with the CCC being REALLY involved in his life
-deal with Xtina speculation
-deal with stalking by Jackie (and others, but, admittedly, the Jackie thing turned out well for all involved)
-turn a blind eye on a few parties
-deal with being harassed on the street at random moments (maybe even assaulted by a blue cart)
-deal with people planning to crawl into his room through his bathroom window
-deal with messages slid under his door
-deal with "sexual harassment"
-deal with general Classics House craziness that no other RA on campus wanted to deal with

Hmmm, all things considered, Darren Poehlein Ashby deserves CCC Sainthood!

Darren, first Saint of the CCC, ascends to the Pearly Gates (one half of the gates may be pearlier than the other).

Thursday, July 9, 2009


No one writes on here any more.

Has it come to this? Is the CCC . . . dead??

Thursday, April 16, 2009

A New Plague

Have you caught it? No, not pinkeye! The Spring Fever rushing through both sides of Classics House! Inciting couples both surprising and mundane to blossom after some hydration and fresh air, the new life can be overheard even by roommates still in hibernation. Don't feel bad if you feel immune, you might just be a late bloomer. But don't wait too soon, some of the seniors need a little TLC (or BDSM) before they leave!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Announcing the formation of CCC West

A certain basement-dweller has recently received positive news regarding future schooling at a certain university located in southern CA, and would like to extend an invitation to all considering a move out West following graduation to join in the new chapter of the CCC.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Breaking News

A CCC resident is on the front page of today's edition of the Freep for doing the one things every BU student wish they could do.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spooners, beware!

D, the Ginger-Head-Ol'-CCC mom that we all know and love, was seen spooning with S, K, S, B, and N in M's 2nd floor loft. Bartender S was there in spirit, along with the infamous J who we all miss (especially's her bday!).

Friday, March 13, 2009

Battle stations!

Gird your loins, kids. Break is almost over.

For those of you graduating and not going to grad school, the CCC hopes you enjoyed your LAST SPRING BREAK EVER! And for anyone who had the bad manners to get the clap over break, you are kindly asked to wear a bell around your neck in light of the predilection for house-cest.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day

The CCC is proud to bring you the breaking news of the morning:

Our institution for higher learning is closed today for a rare snow day. It should be clarified that this is a full snow day, not a half-snow day, nor the film, Snow Day.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

NYC Update - CCC Mobile

Spotted on the bus to NYC: m and bartender s looking rather cozy. Pictures to follow.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

In Memoriam

This post is dedicated to all of the virgin ears and eyes tragically cut down by the atrocity (or bliss) that is house-cest. To prevent future unnecessary losses, residents are reminded to use beads or warning signs often, even if there is only a slight chance of an actual house-cest occurrence. To these poor victims, you are forever in our hearts.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Gooooo Hooplites!

Intramural Basketball '09 is in full swing! There are reports of a certain limited edition T-shirt that has been seen in the lobby of the 176 building.

Are you one of the few who will get their hands on the rare item?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

One Year Anniversary!!!

The Classics House Chronicles celebrated its one year anniversary yesterday. I ask all viewers to please look back at wonderful entries like "Harry Pecker and the Chamber of Dinas" and "Completely Unexpected" from last January. These touching stories have inspired many over the past year.

Fun-filled activities will begin this Friday evening to celebrate this special event.

In other news, we ask all house members to please be tolerant of the house's remaining three (allegedly) heterosexual residents. The CCC takes pride in supporting all minorities.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

News From Across the Pond

Actually, no news. Except that I miss the CCC!

I'm trapped across the pond with a lot of beautiful things and fun english people, also a lot of non-CAS students who don't know what anything is....true story, one girl asked my professor what the Renaissance was. TRUE STORY. this is what I am dealing with. Therefore, I NEED information from home...this is a cry for information!

I want to see pictures of short haircuts, and news of all the other things going on. Story Time sounds fun.
Other than that, I am in England, today I went to a castle (they're just lying about the place!). things are different and the same.

I know posts are supposed to be anonymous, but I assume everyone knows who this is. On that note, I miss everyone.


Monday, January 19, 2009

You are cordially invited!

The 178 Porch administration would like to invite Classics House residents to the porch (located on the second floor of 178) for tea and spoken literature. Story time begins at 5 PM daily and we are currently reading from Prince Borghese's Trail by Genevieve Obert. It's an exciting non-fiction about a woman racer who raced across Eurasia in a classic car.

Please bring your own cups and snacks are encouraged. Additionally no cell phones or electronics are permitted during Story Time.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

And we're back!

The residents of 176-178 Bay State have returned for their spring semester, some for the last time. Things just aren't the same without those who've crossed the pond, but the CCC was thrilled to see that the semester began eventfully with confessions of long-standing attraction and good Classics House pranking. Keep up the good work, residents!

Monday, January 5, 2009