Friday, January 21, 2011

Why, Oh Why?


K trying hard to figure out WHY the CCC just isn't what it used to be?! Gone are the days of hilarious daily (or even weekly?) posts about all our favorite Classics House people. I wish we knew more about E's trials and tribulations in law school. How is lonely girl (J) doing in NYC? B is practically displaced from EARTH all the way in Arizona - when will she return? How is D liking Boston now that half of her college friends are gone? A....where you @, girl? How about S, our favorite girl-loving-gal...Is she still with N? There are so many more people and relationships to address, but I'll stop there. Someone better post soon, or K might jump off a bridge...


Gossip Boy


Unknown said...

OMG! A new post :o). Btw...the THREE YEAR anniversary of this blog is January 26th, 2011. Just 4 days away.

Unknown said...

Did you just post this, and then comment OMG on it??? OMG I MISS YOU KEVIN.

I only know the answer to one of these questions: S was spotted kissing N goodbye at London Heathrow, but they seem upset, since they are now so far apart with no future reunions planned. :(

Possibly a Boston graduation reunion in May of 2011??? PLEASE????