Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It's like AA, except different . . .

Haze [heyz] – verb (used with object), hazed, haz-ing

  1. to subject (freshmen, newcomers, etc.) to abusive or humiliating tricks and ridicule

There has been some recent concern over possible hazing issues that occurred throughout the year. I would like to be the first person to step up and realize that I, perhaps like you, need help. I, Deanna of room 112, haze people. The acts that I have done are violent and cruel and completely fit within the definition of hazing seen above.

After knowing Meg for 2 years, I hazed her last week by covering her door with Pita Pit posters.
After knowing Tom for 2.5 years, I hazed him by taping his toothpaste to the wall.
After knowing Matt Piscitelli for 3 years, I repeatedly hazed him in many different ways.

I need help. That's why, I've instituted the Classics House Hazers Anonymous--the HHHA. If you, too, have problems with hazing, please let me know. Meetings will begin this Wednesday at 8 pm in the basement. Miss Tyra will help us.

(This is not what I do: prank – n. A mischievous trick or practical joke)

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