Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Cockroach Infestation

The April Fool's Day spirit affected members of the Classics House today. Although other pranks were pulled during the evening, the best prank (in this writer's opinion) was to come later at approximately 11:45 pm. Previously that evening, 3 CCC readers rushed into Meg's room whilst she was downstairs and hid a plastic cockroach in her bed (an added plus: Meg does not enjoy when people touch her sheets).

While Meg tantalized 2 excited residents by acting ready for bed, but never getting in, the 2 ladies checked in with her roommate for updates. Finally, as they were standing outside Meg's door waiting, they heard what they had been waiting for: that Meg scream of horror and disgust! Excellent!

Just wait till she sees her underwear drawer . . .

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't worry, Meg. Tom didn't touch ALL of your underwear!