Monday, September 29, 2008


BREAKING NEWS: A girl at 180 BSR (that's next door) had her cell phone stolen, and the perp just ran off down the street. If they are that ballsy to steal a phone on BSR, who's to say they won't get inside our house?

Just a light word of caution to those people who feel safe leaving their wallets and computers in the lobby unattended...

Oh and if it's garbage you are more inclined to leave, your mummy's not here to pick it up for you-DIY.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

For the first and last time...

Below, CCC readers and residents can find a link to the washer and dryer repair request. If you notice that one of the machines is broken, please report it so that everyone can do their laundry!

Click me!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Eleni is Coming to Boston

Eleni is coming. October 24-26th. Get ready.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

CCC Residents of the Past and Present Merge

Current CCC residents and alumni merged in Philadelphia last weekend. Jackie Dinas traveled to Philadelphia to visit the dashing Darren Ashby, the beloved CCC RA who is at the center of most CCC legends. Good times were had over Iced Teas-- Honest for Darren, Fresh Brewed for Jackie and Long Island for Eleni.

Due to the success of the first CCC meeting across state boarders, other CCCers are encouraged to follow suite and visit the City of Brotherly Love.


Reports of a mysterious ailment afflicting the Classics House have begun to surface. The origin of this ailment is uncertain; some believe it to be Greek in origin, although there are those who claim it hails from the Levant. Meanwhile, rumors of tainted bananas have been steadfastly denied by the Costa Rican government.

The issue of quarantine has come up for discussion several times, but most inhabitants of the House agree that social interaction must be maintained in the face of assorted threats to the common good.

The CCC reminds all of its readers that it is printed via a hypoallergenic electronic medium, and that, should a pandemic break out, further reports will remain contagion-free.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sneaky Redesign, Get Over It :o)

The title says it all. Come on guys, people get sick of the same ol' thing all the time! And I added a visitor counter so we can see how well we are liked!!!

Also, I would like to take this opportunity to say that I am content regarding the removal of all of the fire hazards (trash bins) from the Classics House. We now live in a more safe and (semi-)productive environment.

-An ancient Classics House veteran and one of the founding fathers/mothers of CCC

Overheard in the Basement

"It would suck if you performed badly at sex."

Also: There were numerous reports of a fire hazard Sunday evening, and confirmation of its removal has yet to be received.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Watch out, Boston.

A certain resident is now 21.

We here at the CCC think that's all that needs to be said.

Maybe she's born with it...maybe it's Room 113.

Residents spotted a Waldo-doppelganger (actual resemblance is currently being debated) in Room 113! What on Earth could he have been doing there? Who could he have been visiting?
All the CCC knows is that she's his Sargent Choice.

This next song goes out to you, Darren.

The CCC would like to make a friendly reminder that stereotyping and/or racist comments are not tolerated in the Classics House. Remarks such as: "Oh well, we're just switching one Mexican for another" should not be used in reference to a Costa Rican boy sitting in a Panamanian girl's room, even if he is on her bed.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The reports of our social deaths are not exaggerated.

The CCC regrets to report the tragic news that three residents were spotted at Mugar Memorial Library at 8:30PM on the second Friday of the semester. One resident was overheard to say that she intended to remain at the library until 11PM.
The residents are socially survived by their entire house, as well as house alumni. Memorial services will be observed on Saturday evening, and in lieu of flowers please make a monetary donation to the bar or drinking establishment of your choice.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Rumor Mill is STILL up and running!

Classics House alumni, scattered across the country, are delighted to learn that the rumor mill (Deanna) is still up and running. While we can no longer run downstairs and directly into Deanna's room, she just a phone call away and a wealth of knowledge.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Banana Meeting
Room 108


Time for the CCC Sound Bite

"I don't like them if they're not white."

"Doc...Wilson! Doc...Johnson! Doc...SHIT!"

"Whoa! We could totally like, steal shit!"

"What's your ethnicity?"

"It's hot as Satan's crotch in here."

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"Warren! How daring!"

On Tuesday, September 2, 14 people showed up for dinner. This is possibly the largest turnout for house dinner to date. It should be noted, however, that it took 5 people to do what our favorite ginger-haired girl used to do single-handedly.
Plans to go to Towers were thwarted by a fire drill, and dinner at Warren was ended by the same. The CCC would like to comment that in the event of a real fire, we would all have been quite crispy.