Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sneaky Redesign, Get Over It :o)

The title says it all. Come on guys, people get sick of the same ol' thing all the time! And I added a visitor counter so we can see how well we are liked!!!

Also, I would like to take this opportunity to say that I am content regarding the removal of all of the fire hazards (trash bins) from the Classics House. We now live in a more safe and (semi-)productive environment.

-An ancient Classics House veteran and one of the founding fathers/mothers of CCC


M said...


Unknown said...

i am so shocked. i logged in to the trusty chronicles and my world was turned upside down! what is this? blue??? after my initial shock i came to the conclusion that change was much needed and i like it!

Eleni said...

It wasn't me!! I like the blue, but I do NOT like the MAN. I miss the beautiful Greek woman.

Eleni said...

Hmmm I think this is the handiwork of Kevin.