Friday, October 10, 2008

Sad Snugglers?

Studies show that a good snuggle now and then can help lower stress levels and raise feelings of happiness and contentment for up to a week after a good snuggle.

So, in this stressful midterms week...look around there a fellow resident that needs a good snuggle?  Sources show there is one resident requesting snuggles on the third floor...

We're all studying, we're all stressed...let's look out for one another and offer up a snuggle*

*make sure it's not forced snuggling...which could be sexual harassment.


Classics House Chronicles said...

Especially if it's the RA. No sexual harassment of the RA.

Eleni said...

Oooo poor stressed out residents!

Eleni said...

Oh, and I will totally offer my snuggle services this weekend.