Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Rumor Mill is STILL up and running!

Classics House alumni, scattered across the country, are delighted to learn that the rumor mill (Deanna) is still up and running. While we can no longer run downstairs and directly into Deanna's room, she just a phone call away and a wealth of knowledge.


Unknown said...

Rumors? Or FACTS?

Darren Ashby said...

Please, totes facts. Obvs.

M said...

RUMOR: Meg is grumpy today because she didn't sleep well.
FACT: Meg didn't sleep well because SOME IDIOT crashed his motorcycle into a parked car outside her window at 3AM.

Also, note the timestamp on Darren's comment. That's dedication to the CCC.

Unknown said...

Wow, Meg. Glad to see you're still bitter about loud noises in the morning. But I love that someone crashed their motorcycle into a car!

Also, I hate to bring down your admiration of Dashby, but all the timestamps are off. Eleni set it up for a different time zone or something. . .

Darren Ashby said...

Damn, I was hoping you wouldn't point that out. All the times are Pacific, since that is where the server is running.