Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Happy Holidays from the CCC!
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or Chrismukwanzahah! What ever holiday you all celebrate, and see you next year!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
"WTF, Ceiling Leak Storm '08"
Let them eat cake!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
How to get into the CCC
Apparently the newest way to get a coveted room in this Bay State Road hotspot is self-injury. The CCC knows this residence is special--we just didn't realize how special!
Lost: One Condom Relevant to Our Interests
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
This ain't Catholic school!
In the meantime, always practice safe sex!
Friday, November 28, 2008
This isn't what I signed up for!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Work it. Don't jerk it.
We can never have too many Classics House Babies, so remember ladies, it's not always fashionable to play it safe!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
To boldly go where no CCC resident has gone before...
The CCC's favorite part of the evening? Sunday, when one of the more enterprising MIT freshmen took it upon himself to Facebook-friend the residents. Upon receiving the friendship request, the following was heard from one resident's room:
"FUCK!!! Now he'll find out that I'm not a sophomore from New Jersey!!!"
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Bonding? Or bondage?
It seems there's some serious chemistry on the first floor. The rate of the reaction was rather speedy, and we're wondering what the catalyst was. Never mind that the new boy bears a passing resemblance to our favorite J.W.--hopefully he's easier to hold onto! Good luck, P.
We hear the couch in the basement is pretty comfy, R., in case you need it.
Cold air, Warm beds.
CCC here, your one and only source into the scandalous lives of the Bay State Elite. Our ears are buzzing, and we hear that the leaves aren't the only things falling-- into bed, that is. Careful, residents, house-cest is never a good idea. Well, unless you're J and D. But since we know that most of you aren't, we've found that the best leaves fall farthest from the tree. Allston is full of lonely boys.
You know you love us.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
PSA for 21+ residents
...REAL bars.
This resident would like to share with all (21+) CCC readers this fact: there is fun outside the realm of trashy Allston parties!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Freshman Follies
Sunday, October 12, 2008
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Friday, October 10, 2008
Sad Snugglers?
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Hailstorm in the Lobby!
Wednesday dinner was decidedly partisan, with the two addresses sitting over three tables away from each other in the dining hall and eating over twenty minutes apart. In this time of great joy at the removal of fire hazards from the Classics House, it is imperative that not we split into factions, but remain united in our eating habits.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Just a light word of caution to those people who feel safe leaving their wallets and computers in the lobby unattended...
Oh and if it's garbage you are more inclined to leave, your mummy's not here to pick it up for you-DIY.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
For the first and last time...
Click me!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
CCC Residents of the Past and Present Merge
Due to the success of the first CCC meeting across state boarders, other CCCers are encouraged to follow suite and visit the City of Brotherly Love.
The issue of quarantine has come up for discussion several times, but most inhabitants of the House agree that social interaction must be maintained in the face of assorted threats to the common good.
The CCC reminds all of its readers that it is printed via a hypoallergenic electronic medium, and that, should a pandemic break out, further reports will remain contagion-free.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sneaky Redesign, Get Over It :o)
Also, I would like to take this opportunity to say that I am content regarding the removal of all of the fire hazards (trash bins) from the Classics House. We now live in a more safe and (semi-)productive environment.
-An ancient Classics House veteran and one of the founding fathers/mothers of CCC
Overheard in the Basement
Also: There were numerous reports of a fire hazard Sunday evening, and confirmation of its removal has yet to be received.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Watch out, Boston.
We here at the CCC think that's all that needs to be said.
Maybe she's born with it...maybe it's Room 113.
All the CCC knows is that she's his Sargent Choice.
This next song goes out to you, Darren.
Friday, September 12, 2008
The reports of our social deaths are not exaggerated.
The residents are socially survived by their entire house, as well as house alumni. Memorial services will be observed on Saturday evening, and in lieu of flowers please make a monetary donation to the bar or drinking establishment of your choice.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
The Rumor Mill is STILL up and running!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Time for the CCC Sound Bite
"Doc...Wilson! Doc...Johnson! Doc...SHIT!"
"Whoa! We could totally like, steal shit!"
"What's your ethnicity?"
"It's hot as Satan's crotch in here."
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
"Warren! How daring!"
Plans to go to Towers were thwarted by a fire drill, and dinner at Warren was ended by the same. The CCC would like to comment that in the event of a real fire, we would all have been quite crispy.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
HBICs be in tha house, yo.
Some pre-semester news items include:
-the CCC is sad and empty without our favorite '08ers
-swipe access at the vestibule door (that's right folks, during our frequent power outages, we won't be able to get into our own house!)
-the amazing disappearing trashcans (apparently, they're a fire hazard, and we're better off taking our trash to the alley dumpsters)
-the amazing disappearing coffee pictures
-178 will shortly be renamed "The Random Freshman House"
-Ron Weasley lives on the 3rd floor of 176
Monday, June 2, 2008
Let's Pack Up and Fly Away!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Darren Ashby: More Smarter than He Appears?
But, ahhh, Professor Bard. Darren's achievements may allude to him being smart, but he is the one who came up with the title of this post. Maybe not so smart after all . . .
Darren Ashby: More Popular than Paleoethnobotany?
Although the ultimate mystery may not be soon revealed, we can rest assured that Darren Ashby IS more popular than ancient plants!
Will the Tradition Continue?
The tradition cannot be broken!
CCC Graduates
Bashby Disses the CCC
What were you thinking??
Thursday, May 8, 2008
CCC Vandalism
The CCC took an excursion yesterday to paint the Greek Rock. Although some members who belonged to an actual sorority felt this was not the true purpose of the rock, the CCC begs to remind others that there would be no sorority/fraternity letters without the Classics(/Greek)! After much worry that the paint would not hold out, the rock was finally complete! And even better, Dean Elmore stopped by to help us show off the Classics House strength.
Meg Has Left Us!
Even though she has left the CCC, she has not forgotten her reporting duty. So now we take you to Istanbul (was Constantinople) for an international update from our own Meg: "All the beautiful men are in Istanbul".
This has been the CCC with your 10:30 news. Good night and get on that Meg!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
A CCC Survey
1.) On a scale of 1-10, how much do you think about sex per day?
3: 16.7%
5: 16.7%
8: 16.7%
10: 50.0%
2.) Are you thinking about sex right now?
Yes: 83.3%
No: 16.7%
3.) On a scale of 1-10, how much would you say you think about Darren Ashby?
2: 16.7%
3: 16.7%
7: 16.7%
10: 50.0%
4.) Do you hope Darren Ashby is thinking about you right now?
Yes: 50.0%
No: 50.0%
5.) If you had to guess on a scale of 1-10, how crazy do you think Darren Ashby
thinks you are?
1-2: 33.3%
3-4: 0.0%
5-6: 16.7%
7-8: 33.3%
9-10: 16.7%
6.) How often do you think about boobs during the day (or at night)?
Less than 1: 16.7%
1: 16.7%
2: 16.7%
3: 16.7%
4: 0.0%
5: 16.7%
more than 5: 16.7%
7.) How often do you think Tom thinks about boobs?
Less than 1:
more than 5: 83.3%
he dreams of penises instead: 66.7%
8.) How much are you enjoying this survey right now?
I’m not. (choose this and I will kill you): 33.3%
Totes: 16.7%
Whateves (only [redacted] can choose this): 16.7%
It’s the best survey I’ve ever taken: 0.0%
Wow. My mind is blown by the in-depth questions!!: 33.3%
9.) What’s the most creative way you can think of to smoke “the wacky weed”
without actually inhaling from the bowl?
1. No Comment
2. Lighting it on fire with Deanna’s hair
3. via my butt
4. i hate you deanna. and it’s a penis not a bowl.
5. Well, it involves breathing. And a hand.
6. by burning your hair into it
10.) If you could be anyone in the Classics House who would it be?
Alex Vera: 16.7%
Mike Toohey: 33.3%
God: 16.7%
Jackie’s popping and locking skillz: 33.3%
Samantha’s left boob: 0.0%
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Deep Mysteries of the Classics House
The Deep Mystery shall come to light soon. It shall come to pass this Thursday. The Oracle sees all!
I'm with stupid
"With Tom".
Please help us celebrate this momentous occasion. Let's pass a bowl around.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Bathroom Fun Times!
Luckily, the CCC's very own and amazing B&G guy was on it! Not only did he clean up the problem, he also proceeded to deep clean the carpet (which we are very grateful for!).
People affected by the catastrophe: the 3rd floor, Eleni, Brunella and Meg. Please keep these victims in your thoughts and prayers.
Tom's Discovery
If you see Tom on the street, feel free to continue his anatomy education.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Unfortunately, Darren is on call tonight, so watch your shenanigans!
The Cockroach Strikes Again!
After apparently throwing the thing away from him in disgust, he hid it in front of room 112, where a recently awoken Brunella discovered the beast and froze in fear.
The message is clear: no one is safe from La Cucaracha del fuego!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
A CCC Lawsuit
. . . who turned out to be lesbians. Rumors of a lawsuit abound, but the CCC would like to remind people that we heckle equally, regardless of race, major, sex, dog, ice cream, fashion, or sexuality. We are Equal Opportunity Hecklers.
Eric, Tell Your Friends Where You Live!
Boy: Is Eric over here?
CCC Reader: Eric lives on the other side idiot!
Boy: Sorry, I don't live here! . . . How do I get to the other side?
Eric, draw your friends a freaking map!
A CCC Shout-out
Feel free to leave us your comments!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
It's like AA, except different . . .
Haze [heyz] – verb (used with object), hazed, haz-ing
- to subject (freshmen, newcomers, etc.) to abusive or humiliating tricks and ridicule
There has been some recent concern over possible hazing issues that occurred throughout the year. I would like to be the first person to step up and realize that I, perhaps like you, need help. I, Deanna of room 112, haze people. The acts that I have done are violent and cruel and completely fit within the definition of hazing seen above.
After knowing Meg for 2 years, I hazed her last week by covering her door with Pita Pit posters.
After knowing Tom for 2.5 years, I hazed him by taping his toothpaste to the wall.
After knowing Matt Piscitelli for 3 years, I repeatedly hazed him in many different ways.
I need help. That's why, I've instituted the Classics House Hazers Anonymous--the HHHA. If you, too, have problems with hazing, please let me know. Meetings will begin this Wednesday at 8 pm in the basement. Miss Tyra will help us.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Where's My Fairy Godmother??
"I wish Dashby would stare at MY boobs!"
Get Rich Quick
Effective and yet so simple! Brilliant!
Archaeology Students Take a Stand
After some troubles, they finally had their message complete: Stop the Illegal Antiquities Trade!
Elia would be so proud!
Naivite (aka Stupidity)
In related news, Tom had sweet dreams last night.
Go Directly To Jail
Something to ponder on.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
From the Diary of Brunella
Today started okay. I was doing my laundry and things were good. I love when my dirty stuff gets clean! And know what else I love? Chemistry. Chemistry is the greatest. Especially this equation. I love it. It's the epitome of my life:
But at any rate. I was taking my time and carefully putting my sheets on my bed, when all of a sudden out of nowhere, Tom comes flying in the room and jumps on my bed! Under my sheets! IN HIS OUTSIDE CLOTHES!! I know everyone thinks Meg is the one who freaks out about that stuff, but bitch please. Do they not know who my mother is?
It is taking all my strength to not rip them off and clean them right now. But I'll wait till tomorrow. If Meg can do it, I can too. I must channel Miss Tyra's strength. What would she do? She would have us sit in a circle with Tom in the middle and have us all say our problems with Tom. Yes, I like that idea. Ahh, Miss Tyra saves the day again!
Buenos noches diary!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Darren’s “Fresident” Runs Him Down with a Blue Cart
Thursday, April 3, 2008
It's not November...
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Cockroach Infestation
While Meg tantalized 2 excited residents by acting ready for bed, but never getting in, the 2 ladies checked in with her roommate for updates. Finally, as they were standing outside Meg's door waiting, they heard what they had been waiting for: that Meg scream of horror and disgust! Excellent!
Just wait till she sees her underwear drawer . . .
Wet Chicken
Mike, please click here for an important website.
News from the Jungle
Hola House,
Hope you are all doing well! I miss you guys and our fun and exciting times in the house. Congrats to all you seniors! Ecuador is amazing! I head to the rainforest on Monday and I'm really excited for it! I'll be able to play with monkeys and birds and jaguars and snakes and big trees! Cool stuff! Okay, take care all!
Mike (you know, that kid who used to live with you)
Oh, Mike. We miss you too!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Live from the Chalupa!
1) There are people living in the boiler room
2) There are giant rat aliens living in the boiler room
3) Jackie is Tom's official stylist.
Back to you Stacy!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Deanna Abandons the Classics House; Early Demise for All
-Kevin called one too many people “cunt slut bags” and was pummeled to death by an angry mob. Deanna was not here to stop the violence.
-Tom (redacted). Deanna was not here to discourage (redacted).
-Brunella and Meg lobby sat from 5:45 on. Deanna was not there to tell them to go to dinner. Brunella and Meg died of starvation at 3:42 this afternoon.
-Deanna was not here to encourage Eleni to order Pita Pit. She ate in the dining hall and died.
-Celia received a fatal paper cut while studying Latin. Deanna was not here to provide Band-Aids.
-Jackie had a relativity peaceful evening because Deanna did not hide in her closet. The stress of solitude was too great a strain on Jackie’s heart.
On a related note, Darren Ashby is thriving.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
There was just a commercial with a lemur in it!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
We Aren't Alone
He seems cocky now, but once the Wizard is on our side, he'll have a reason to run.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Mike Toohey Makes It Big
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
It Takes a Village
As Eleni churns out paper pages at a glacial pace, CHC must comment on the outpouring of support for our frazzled resident. Monday while Eleni studied for her Earth Science midterm Brunella was happy to confirm the difference between silicate and non-silicate minerals, Kevin cheerfully explained how isotopes were formed and Deanna remained on call for hours, responding to questions on fault fractures and stenography.
Eleni has been cheered on as she moved to Media and Politics as well as Presidential Leadership. Whoops of delight are heard in the lobby as Eleni announces the play by play accumulation of page numbers. Encouraging posts have appeared on her facebook wall. Residents have accepted, and even encourage, Eleni’s need to blast the theme’s of Rocky, Superman, Indiana Jones and Star Wars to keep Eleni motivated and confident in her Superhero like abilities (please refer to Jan. post: Eleni becomes a Superhero). You go girl.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Possible side-effects of Deanna include...
Monday, February 25, 2008
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
Jackie, Tell Me About the Boy Who DIDN'T Go to NYC
Oh Darren Ashby, how we missed you!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Damsel in Distress
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Jackie Breaks the Law
Samantha Is Broken
Excuse me while I proceed to Hell.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Youthful Yearning
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Congratulations Dashby! pt. 2
Je ne regrette rien
"Pat the Dashby" music video coming soon!
Danger, Mike Toohey, Danger!
Stay tuned for updates.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Muchas Gracias
PS--Great pictures and videos later!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
1st Floor Germ Dissemination
The First floor of 176 is germy. Please exercise caution when entering and exiting the building, and keep breathing to a minimum. Should you run into a problem, take a cue from Mr. Toohey and run around, run around, run around, run around.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
X-treme R-K-ology
...in a squall.
Hilarity ensues
"Don't shred my penis!!!!!"
"Deanna, get out of my vagina!"
Balloons Descending
Two second floor residents threw balloons into the lobby. They should come and clean them up.
Samantha Changes Her Hair
Samantha Stein has dyed her hair. So, should you see a brighter-haired version of Samantha Stein, do not be alarmed… she has just changed her hair.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Lesbians in heat
In related news, there is a newly discovered infected organ in the Classics House.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Samantha and Deanna: More than Just Friends?
Deanna's Deal
Ahhh, the Classics House is filled with such supportive friends. Stay tuned for BBB updates.
Congratulations Darren Ashby!
In related news, Deanna now knows where she is going to grad school and Jackie is sure to follow . . .
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Dashby's Dirt & Deanna's Disappearance
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
WOTS is...Watt's here!
WOTS, if you're reading this, dinner is at 6.
Deanna Dresses Down
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Hooplites Victory!
The Hooplites had returning favorites, but the 2 new favorite are Brian "Booyeah!" Idon'tknowhislastname and John Taylor of the Trebs. Way to be awesome boys! On our shit list: other Mike and sombrero boy.
Special thanks to the super cool fans who showed up to cheer the boys on! Totaling 9, it was the best fan turnout the Hooplites have ever seen!
Next game: Tuesday, February 12 at 5:45 pm against the Really Slow Fat Kids. Come or die.
Darren Ashby Disappoints
In connected news, Jackie was unable to deal with Dashby's absence and lies and has yet to recover from her hysterical crying. Our thoughts are with you Jackie. Comfort yourself with this: this is to be expected from boys, even dashbies.
Completely Unexpected
In other news, the mighty Classics House Hooplites will be playing against some Asian team tonight! Hooplites and The Official Cheerleading Squad will be departing from the house this evening at 6 PM. Join us or know that the blood of many small baby animals is on your hands.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Deanna keeps her door open!
Today, Deanna kept her door open whenever she was home. This gesture, which encourages visitors, probably accounts to the great amount of traffic in and out of her room.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Samantha Sings Her Way to the Top
Pocahontas Returns to Boston
Stay tuned for updates.
Dangerous Detergent Dispute
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Deanna Divulges
The rumor mill is up and running! Deanna is back, and in peak form. In the last week we’ve learned about the primal habits of the 3rd floor (cannibalism and copulation), vestibule tonsil hockey, Darren Ashby’s shower, the cancelled Coldstone fieldtrip, the aforementioned Harry Pecker incident, the desperation of aural fixation, and of course her specialty—treb stalking (people.bu.edu/trebs).
Kevin studies for class
Darren Ashby Resignation Rumor
Resignation rumors fly as Darren Ashby, yet again, is plagued by fear of his residents. From the moment he moved in, he has been hounded by requests from nametags to door cozies to icebreakers. Ashby’s door has often been vandalized and threatening notes are routinely shoved under his door. Buck up, Dashby. We all love you…though maybe a little too much.
Eleni becomes a Superhero
Due to the unusually high volume of static energy in room 213, Eleni has become a superhero. In the past 4 days, she has frozen her computer, turned off her TV, broken her cell phone, and short circuited both her DVD player and remote with the slightest touch of her finger. Though problematic, we are not concerned. This is what is known as the “transition phase”. We can expect great things from our powerful resident.
Harry Pecker and the Chamber of Dinas
Last weekend, a well endowed Daniel Radcliff replica appeared in Jackie Dinas’ room, complete with scar and glasses. Though initially frightened, Jackie has adjusted well to her new bedfellow. Well done, Dinas. Please keep it down.